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"Standard leading, certification and empowerment, connection symbiosis" - the second digital engineering services trade conference was held smoothly!
time:2020-12-18 source:
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On December 18th, 2020, the second digital engineering services trade conference and the 2020 tripartite summary conference jointly sponsored by the digital engineering certification alliance, the digital technology and real estate branch of China Real Estate Association (hereinafter referred to as "the digital technology and real estate branch of China Real Estate Association") and buildingsmart China branch were officially held in Beijing. More than 200 government departments, well-known enterprise experts and representatives from the national engineering construction field attended the meeting. This meeting is themed by "standard leading, certification and empowerment, connection and symbiosis", and undertakes the first digital engineering certification service trade conference held during the second China International Import Expo in 2019, aiming to explore and build a new future of digital economy and intelligent building together with all parties in the industrial chain of engineering construction, We will jointly promote the national quality infrastructure capacity construction in the field of digital engineering, standardize the data element market in the field of engineering construction, improve the digital level of services, products and trade, and promote the high-quality development of digital economy.

Figure | meeting site

Bo Yumin, deputy director of certification and supervision division of the State Administration of market supervision and Administration (at the department level), liuzongde, director of the certification and accreditation technology research center of the State Administration of market supervision and administration, zhailibo, deputy director of Trade Promotion Center of China Council for the promotion of international trade, and Majin, deputy representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in China, Luowenbin, vice president of China Construction Standards Design Institute Co., Ltd., and Richard Petrie, CEO of buildingsmart, and other leaders and experts attended the meeting and delivered speeches through the combination of online and offline. Dr. Wang Haishan, director of digital engineering certification alliance, chief expert and chairman of JCC, vice chief architect of China Construction Standards Design Institute Co., Ltd., Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch, Weilai, executive vice president of digital engineering certification alliance, vice president and chief information officer of Bluelight group Mashaoqiu, vice president of digital science and technology real estate branch of China Real Estate Association, Li Bo, Secretary General of digital science and technology real estate branch of China Real Estate Association, attended the meeting. The meeting also attended the leading enterprises in the field of engineering construction digitization, software and hardware service enterprises and University experts.

Figure | speech by Bo Yumin, deputy director of certification and supervision department of State Administration of market supervision and Administration

In her speech, Bo Yumin, deputy director of certification and supervision division of the State Administration of market supervision and administration, pointed out that building digital China and developing digital economy are an important way to realize supply side structural reform, to build a modern economic system and to modernize the national governance system and governance capacity. The relevant industries should actively promote digital certification, carry out international exchanges and cooperation widely, and promote the reform and development of certification industry with digital technology.

Wei Ming, deputy director of the construction market supervision division of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, was unable to attend the scene due to temporary arrangements. He mentioned in his written speech that the Ministry of housing and urban rural development attached great importance to the digital and information construction of the construction industry. Since this year, we have been promoting intelligent construction and accelerating the deep integration of information technology and construction industry. We hope that the enterprises in the industry can work together to strengthen the construction of digital engineering inspection and testing certification system, create a healthy market environment, improve the quality and efficiency of physical engineering and contribute to the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

Figure Liu Zongde, director of the Certified Technology Research Center of the State Administration of market supervision and Administration

In the new era, the development of certification testing has put forward new requirements, and certification detection has become a new driving force for the high-quality development of digital engineering. Liu Zongde, director of the certification and accreditation technology research center of the State Administration of market supervision and administration, believes that "the top-level design of certification and testing should be strengthened to adapt to the new development pattern", "the construction of common technology cloud platform should be strengthened, the emerging industries should be built", "the level of certification and testing technology should be improved, the service system standardized" and "industrial coordination should be improved.", Four aspects of "promoting the implementation of innovation measures" play the role of certification and testing on the high-quality development of digital engineering and high-end infrastructure.

Photo | address by zhailibo, deputy director of Trade Promotion Center of China Council for the promotion of international trade

Zhailibo, deputy director of Trade Promotion Center of China Council for the promotion of international trade, pointed out that digitization is the characteristic of the times. With the rapid development of modern science and technology, information technology such as cloud computing, big data and blockchain has become the engine of social and economic development and national governance system optimization, and digitalization has strongly driven the economic development of China.

Figure | speech by Majian, deputy representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in China

In his speech, Ma Jian, deputy representative of the representative office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in China, stressed that since 2014, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in cooperation with the China Construction Association and the certification center of China Construction Association, has carried out the "China Construction Enterprise Social Responsibility Project of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization", which has achieved fruitful results and jointly formulated the evaluation standard of social responsibility of construction enterprises, Phase II of the project is under orderly development. Hope to promote the development of digital engineering certification and testing system through this conference, exchange and interaction with experts at home and abroad, and help the sustainable development of the world!

Figure luowenbin, vice president of China Institute of architectural standards design and Research Co., Ltd. delivered a speech

Luowenbin, vice president of China Institute of architectural standards design and research, pointed out in his speech that since the establishment of the digital engineering certification alliance at the second China International Import Expo, the digital engineering certification alliance has been committed to the digital development of engineering construction and become the pioneer of the industry development. Digital engineering certification will become an important tool for the development of engineering construction in the future.

Figure Richard Petrie, CEO of buildingsmart, delivered a speech

It is a crucial task to establish and maintain open data standards. The "right" of data will determine the wealth and power of the future world. Richard Petrie, CEO of buildingsmart, said in his speech that in order to realize the flexibility of strategic data, open neutral data standards, key supporting network services, high integration operating environment and data owners should maintain their rights and data requirements, and take all of the above as a solid foundation.

1、 In depth thinking, the industry development faces new challenges

Looking back to 2020, the fourth wave of globalization with digital trade as the outstanding feature has had a great impact on the global supply chain, industrial chain and value chain. Facing the increasingly favorable economic environment and the high-speed development of technology level, how to accurately grasp the new round of scientific and technological revolution and construction industry reform trend, guide all kinds of factors to gather effectively, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of construction industry and improve quality and efficiency are the problems that the whole industry is constantly thinking about. At this conference, Li Bo, Secretary General of digital science and technology real estate branch of China Real Estate Association, vice chief architect of China Construction Standards Design Institute Co., Ltd., Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch and executive vice president of digital engineering certification alliance, are president of digital College of China Digital Technology Co., Ltd The three party representatives of zhangshengli, Deputy Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch, respectively summarize the work in 2020 and make deployment and Prospect of relevant work in 2021.

Figure | summary of work by Libo, Secretary General of digital science and technology real estate branch of China Real Estate Association

Li Bo, Secretary General of digital science and technology real estate branch of China Real Estate Association, said that the digital technology and real estate branch of China Real Estate Association has carried out a number of cooperation with the digital engineering certification alliance. He affirmed the good results of this year's training and certification work, and made important arrangements for the related work in the field of digital engineering next year.

Figure | Wei Lai, deputy chief architect of China Institute of architectural standards design, Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch and executive vice president of digital engineering certification Alliance

Wei Lai, deputy chief architect of China Institute of architectural standards design, Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch and executive vice president of digital engineering certification alliance, respectively represent the digital engineering certification alliance and buildingsmart China branch to make work summary. Weilai mentioned that the digital engineering certification alliance has made a great deal of work in standard research and development, project development and industry promotion, which is to ensure high-quality development, promote technological progress, promote industry cooperation, service industry cultivation, and build ecological development form as its core value, and help the industry development.

Figure | summary of work done by zhangshengsheng, Deputy Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch
Zhang student, President of digital College of China Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and Deputy Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch, pointed out in the report that in 2019, China branch signed a BIM personnel strategic cooperation agreement with buildingsmart international, formally introduced the buildingsmart international professional evaluation project, promoted the training content of openbim, and provided testing and personnel evaluation. Since june2020, buildingsmart China branch has issued basic certification certificate for international professional evaluation for two approved training institutions including China Construction Association Certification Center and 170 trainees.

Sustainable and high-quality development has become one of the social consensus to measure the long-term development of enterprises. As the "leader" of social development, the construction industry should have a spirit of giving up its own. In the agenda of the conference, leaders and experts at the meeting actively implemented the Declaration on low carbon in the "carbon neutral" industry, and contributed to the transformation and development of the industry.

2、 Based on development, provide new ideas for industry transformation and upgrading

In the following agenda, Li Hongjun, researcher of science and technology and industrialization development center of Ministry of housing and urban rural development, Yang Hua, chairman of Digital China Alumni alliance and Secretary General of China TD industry alliance of National Development Institute of Peking University, Li Xu, manager of digital engineering business department of certification center of China Construction Association, and Sheng liming, Secretary General of railway BIM alliance, respectively focus on economy, science and technology, real estate, digital engineering Intelligent construction, new industrialization and other cross domain, multi industry integration topics, share the thinking and practice of digital transformation and development of the industry.

Photo | keynote speech by Li Hongjun, researcher of science and technology and industrialization development research center of Ministry of housing and urban rural development

Li Hongjun, researcher of science and technology and industrialization development research center of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, delivered the keynote speech of "green building and digital technology". He pointed out that the development of green building in China has experienced four stages: enlightenment stage, initial stage, initial stage and rapid development. With the intensive release of relevant policies on green buildings, the scale of relevant buildings continues to expand, and the standard system continues to improve. Green buildings are transforming into intelligent buildings and digital human settlements, and achieving higher quality development.

Photo | keynote speech by Yang Hua, chairman of Digital China Alumni alliance and Secretary General of China TD industry alliance of National Development Institute of Peking University

Yang Hua, director general of Digital China Alumni alliance of National Development Institute of Peking University and Secretary General of China TD industry alliance, delivered the keynote speech of "5g prospect of digital society development". Starting from the opportunity of digital society under the great change, Yang Hua introduced the role of 5g as the cornerstone of social development, and showed the broad prospects of the development of digital society. He said that with the acceleration of the global digital wave, China's industrial development environment is facing profound and complex changes, and the digital economy has become an important part of the national economy. At the same time, 5g has become a key enabling technology in the new economic era, the global 5g standardization process is accelerating, and the industry application will be accelerated. In the critical period of digital economy development, 5g new infrastructure constructs a new picture of smart life and smart production, comprehensively stimulates the development of digital economy, and detonates the new trend of data platform development.

Photo | keynote speech by Dr. Li Xu, manager of digital engineering division of JCC

Dr. Li Xu, manager of digital engineering business department of JCC, delivered a keynote speech on "building digital engineering nqi, helping digital engineering to achieve high quality and sustainable development - digital engineering certification practice of China Construction Association Certification Center". Starting from the policy and trend of industry development, Dr. Li Xu combined with the typical cases of digital engineering certification, such as the ISO 1965 0 BIM management system certification case of Beijing No.3 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., the ISO 1965 0 certification case of China Northeast Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., the ISO 1965 0 certification case of Shenzhen construction and works Department, and the engineering project service certification of Zhongshan University Shenzhen Branch, This paper puts forward five steps of digital strategy transformation, including corporate culture remodeling, corporate strategy remodeling, corporate organization remodeling, management remodeling and transformation steps.

Photo keynote speech by Sheng liming, Secretary General of railway BIM Alliance

Sheng liming, Secretary General of railway BIM alliance, delivered a keynote speech on "establishment of railway BIM standard system and launch of railway digital engineering certification". She stressed that BIM was first applied in China's construction industry, and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development incorporated it into the "12th Five Year Plan". In 2013, it began to publish standards one after another, and in 2014, it began to be popularized and applied in China. The application practice in the field of architecture provides a useful reference for the railway. Ms. Sheng Liming said that relying on the construction experience of intelligent Jingzhang and intelligent Jingxiong, the railway industry will explore and promote the transformation and application of artificial intelligence in construction management, and realize the deep integration of cloud computing and other advanced technologies with high-speed railway construction. Explore the construction of intelligent management information system based on BIM Technology in the whole life cycle, and realize the transmission, access, sharing and opening of information in the three stages of railway engineering design, construction and operation. It is noteworthy that railway BIM alliance and digital engineering certification alliance signed a strategic cooperation agreement.

3、 Summit dialogue, cooperation and thinking burst out new sparks

Photo| launching ceremony

As an important part of the conference, the cooperation between digital engineering certification alliance and railway BIM Alliance on railway digital engineering certification was officially launched. In this cooperation, the two sides will give full play to the advantages of railway BIM professional technology and digital certification, jointly promote the establishment of unified digital engineering certification in China, carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of digital engineering product certification, engineering project service certification and enterprise digital management system, and jointly promote the high-quality development of railway digital engineering.

Figure dialogue at the summit of "thought lunch"

Add a little thought to lunch to help the development of the industry. Another important part of the conference is the summit dialogue of "thought lunch" -- how far is the smart community from us? Ou Mingdong, assistant general manager of Kingdee property, Wang Jia, co-founder of Yingjia Internet (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., Zhang Shengsheng, Dean of digital College of CSCEC Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and Deputy Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch, and permanent guests Dr. Wang Haishan and Mr. Wei Lai discussed "how to cook this dish"? The luncheon guests focused on "how to treat the terms of wisdom, intelligence and numbers?"“ There were heated discussions on the issues of smart community, related work and understanding in their respective fields, the construction of smart community, which stakeholders involved, and how to give full play to the advantages of standards, certification and acceptance mechanism in promoting the construction of smart community. The guests participating in the offline activities often hold warm applause, which represents the recognition of the guests' views.

4、 Win win cooperation and deep integration of advanced technology in the industry

Figure | licensing ceremony

The tree that embraces is born at the very end; The platform of the ninth floor, starting from the tired soil, can not develop without the effective communication between enterprises. In the next agenda, the conference established the "rail transit technology professional committee" jointly established by the digital engineering certification alliance and railway BIM alliance, the "power technology professional committee" jointly established with the Talent Evaluation Center Co., Ltd. of China Electric Power Enterprise Federation, and the BIM consulting technical professional committee jointly established with Beijing Oriental Huarui Construction Design Co., Ltd The "software testing and certification technical professional committee" established in cooperation with Tsinghua University Software College and the "installation technology professional committee" established in cooperation with Shanxi Industrial Equipment Installation Group Co., Ltd. are licensed.

5、 The best teacher of transformation and upgrading is to combine knowledge and Practice

High level demands to promote high-quality development. At the critical moment of digital transformation and upgrading in the field of engineering construction, it is particularly important to "keep the original mind and keep the right and keep the strange" in the situation of gradual changes in the external environment. This conference invited experts from the industry to share hot topics and hot topics.

Figure | case sharing of mashaoqiu, vice president and chief information officer of Sichuan Bluelight Development Co., Ltd., vice president of digital technology and real estate branch of China Real Estate Association

Ma Shaoqiu, vice president and chief information officer of Sichuan Blue Light Development Co., Ltd., vice president of digital technology and real estate branch of China Real Estate Association, shared the case of "blue light digital road". He said that digital transformation has become the main theme of all enterprises. Blue light development relies on Strategic planning, architecture design, construction and implementation The organization guarantee and other measures not only achieved the stage victory of digital transformation in blue light, but also obtained many important recognition from the industry and abroad, and strengthened the road of digital transformation.

Figure Li Yi, director of digital Civil Engineering Research Office of CCCC highway planning and Design Institute

Li Yi, director of digital Civil Engineering Research Office of CCCC highway planning and Design Institute, led everyone into the project construction project which won BIM International Award for the first time in case sharing entitled "comprehensive application of OSI openbim in the design of the fourth bridge of Panama Canal". This project uses a large number of advanced digital technology, takes ISO 1965 as the guiding ideology, various advanced digital software and systems as support, and a large number of data as the basis, and shows how an excellent BIM project is refined.

Figure | sharing of case of he Bing, project manager of national snowmobile and sled center of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd., director of BIM center of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd

He Bing, project manager of national snowmobile center of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd. and director of BIM center of Shanghai Baoye Group Co., Ltd., did the case sharing of BIM application of national snowmobile center project. The national snowmobile center is the first in China and the 16th in the world. The only snowmobile track in the world has a turning curve. He Bing said that the snowmobile track adopts module sectional construction technology, and uses BIM model to simulate important construction processes in advance, determine key construction quality control procedures and conduct on-site disclosure.

Figure Zhao Weiyu, product director of Wanyi Technology Co., Ltd. case sharing

Zhaoweiyu, product director of Wanyi Technology Co., Ltd., pointed out in the case sharing named BIM + IBMS smart office IOT application of Wanke Binhai cloud center that BIM has unlimited possibility to describe components. Based on BIM intelligent building, on the basis of completion model, it can complete a key matching between real equipment and model.

Figure Renyuan, deputy general manager of Yingjia Internet (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. case sharing

Ren Yuan, deputy general manager of Yingjia Internet (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., pointed out in the case sharing entitled "digital twin technology promotes the development of intelligent building", which indicates that digital twin can support human beings to simulate, analyze and make decisions on physical building space, and is the cornerstone of digital transformation of Pan construction industry. It can provide help for digital transformation of the industry by providing reasonable solutions.

Figure sunjingjing, head of Lenovo official website enterprise purchase project of Lenovo (Beijing) Co., Ltd. share the case

Sun Jingjing, the head of Lenovo official website enterprise purchase project of Lenovo (Beijing) Co., Ltd., provided more reasonable procurement solutions for enterprise users in case sharing entitled "helping small and medium-sized enterprises reduce cost and improve efficiency and accelerate digital transformation".

Figure | Chengxin, general manager of North District of Shanghai Kony Software Technology Co., Ltd. sharing
In the case sharing entitled "industry integration, leading the future - Application of construction industry and manufacturing integration technology", Chengxin, general manager of North District of Shanghai Kony Software Technology Co., Ltd., pointed out that the integration of manufacturing software and construction technology can achieve more free shape design. The modular function design can be realized by integrating the modular thinking of industrial design to carry out the architectural design; Through the unique derivative design concept and tools, the customer can achieve more optimized design.

Then, the conference held the award ceremony for 2020 digital engineering certification enterprises and certification projects.

Look up to the stars, down to earth; Think deeply, and combine knowledge and practice The emergence of the "ideological lunch" column has become an accelerator for enterprises to constantly improve their practical ability and constantly calibrate and match with cognition. At the conference, the leaders presented the "thought lunch" summit dialogue public welfare character Award for some of the participants in the "thought lunch" industry, and thanked them for their love and dedication.

Figure | award ceremony of "thought lunch" summit dialogue public welfare character Award
At the end of the meeting, Zhang student, President of digital College of China Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and Deputy Secretary General of buildingsmart China branch, presided over the ceremony of the FIFA cup. The guests present sincere wishes to the winning enterprises and encourage enterprises or projects to continue to make further efforts and create brilliant achievements.

award ceremony of the FIFA cup

We firmly believe that the second digital engineering service trade conference, which is open to the guests from all over the world, has brought a great harvest of high-quality development of digital engineering. With the joint efforts of excellent enterprises in the industry, we will surely let digital engineering deliver trust and compose more beautiful win-win music! Goodbye in 2021!

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